The LAP holds regular lawyer peer support meetings across the state. Lawyers come together to share their experience, strength and hope with each other as to how they have recovered and how they use the tools of recovery in their daily lives and law practices. Deep and long-lasting friendships are forged at these meetings, making way for heartfelt and honest sharing.

Attendance is by invitation only after pre-screening by LAP staff to determine suitability. Many meetings are monthly lunch meetings, while Charlotte and Raleigh each have an evening meeting that meets once a week. A few (“Virtual”) meetings are held by Zoom, otherwise they meet in person. If interested, please contact the LAP Counselor for your region.

Active Peer Support Groups

Charlotte Weekly Support Group

Virtual, every Monday at 5:30pm

Charlotte Lunch

1st Wednesday every month at 12:30pm

Durham/Chapel Hill Lunch

1st and 3rd Thursday every month at 12:30pm

Eastern Virtual Support Group

Every Tuesday 12:30pm on Zoom

Greensboro Triad Lunch

3rd Wednesday every month at 12:30pm

Greenville Lunch

2nd Thursday every month at 12:30pm

Law Student Group

Virtual, last Thursday every month at 6:00pm

Raleigh Lunch

2nd Friday every month at 12:30pm

Raleigh Weekly Support Group

In person, every Monday at 6:00pm

Statewide Speaker Meeting

Virtual, last Friday every month at 12:30pm

Wilmington Lunch

1st and 3rd Wednesday every month at 12:30pm