2024 Summer Sidebar

“We’re all in a rush to go nowhere fast.”

- A LAP volunteer (quoting his high school teacher, who was also a lawyer)

How I Almost Became Another Lawyer Who Killed Himself

Trying to be all things, to all people, at all times, this Type-A perfectionist found that the energy required to maintain that façade lead him into a deep clinical depression back in 2005. He reflects on lessons learned personally and professionally over the years. Originally published in 2014, the podcast builds upon the article. Read more.

This article is also a featured podcast episode: When to Stop Putting on a Show. Listen here.

Lovely Nonsense

This lawyer thought all the talk of “self-care” was lovely nonsense. The measure of her worth was calculated in the amount of tangible work done in a day. Unintentionally stumbling into a hobby, however, where there was no competition or expectation of success brought a sense of lightness to this lawyer’s life not felt in a very long time. Read more.

This article is also a featured podcast episode: Lovely Nonsense. Listen here.

Practice Perspective

Following the maxim “to thine own self be true” ensures this lawyer lives an authentic life free of regret. Read more.

Mindful Moment

Beginning the day with an intentional routine that supports well-being is an opportunity to regulate the nervous system and to stay regulated for the rest of the day and enhances our ability to navigate the complexities and stressors of our profession. Read more.

This article is also a featured podcast episode: Morning Me Routine. Listen here.

The Professional Brain

We are introducing a new column, The Professional Brain, by professor and author Debra Austin. In her newsletter, in 200-300 words, she highlights brain research and a key take away—everything from stress reduction to dementia prevention tips. You can subscribe directly to her newsletter at her website.

This quarter, we are featuring: Are you a morning person (lark) or an evening person (owl)? How does your bedtime affect your mental health? Read more.

The Overwhelmed Brain

As lawyers we are always asserting our position, quite sure we are right. We may indeed be. As we head into election season, however, it can be helpful to remember the value of our relationships and put our relationships above our own need to be right. Read more.

Something to Consider

There isn’t time, so brief is life, for bickerings, apologies, heartburnings, callings to account. There is only time for loving, and but an instant, so to speak, for that. – Mark Twain