Message from the Director
Welcome to the inaugural edition of Sidebar, the Lawyer Assistance Program’s e-newsletter. The goal of the Sidebar is to better connect with our volunteers, clients and State Bar leaders and staff. We envision the Sidebar as a place where we can share articles and information – from lawyers’ personal stories and perspectives on the practice of law, to national mainstream news articles about the effects of stress and strategies for work-life balance. We often hear of recovery-related events around the state and have planned to include a community calendar of events. You are invited to forward Sidebar to anyone whom you think may have an interest. Anyone is invited to subscribe directly to receive it.
All subscriptions are confidential and anonymous…no one will know this is in your in-box unless you give them access to your in-box. We are also accepting article submissions from anyone who may be interested. We e-mail a weekly article focused on mental health to several of our support groups around the state. Using this electronic platform, we plan to convert that into a blog, to which anyone may subscribe as well.
We hope the Sidebar provides a small dose of inspiration to you in your day-to-day law practice, and reminds you that you are not alone with whatever frustrations you encounter in your law practice and in your life. You are not alone; in fact, you are in quite good company.
Robynn E. Moraites |