Sidebar Podcast

Beginning the day with an intentional routine that supports well-being is an opportunity to regulate the nervous system and to stay regulated for the rest of the day and enhances our ability to navigate the complexities and stressors of our profession. Read the full article.
Trying to be all things, to all people, at all times, this Type-A perfectionist found that the energy required to maintain that façade lead him into a deep clinical depression back in 2005. He reflects on lessons learned personally and professionally over the years. Originally published in 2014, the podcast builds upon the article. Read...
This lawyer thought all the talk of “self-care” was lovely nonsense. The measure of her worth was calculated in the amount of tangible work done in a day. Unintentionally stumbling into a hobby, however, where there was no competition or expectation of success brought a sense of lightness to this lawyer’s life not felt in...
Does self-doubt have you hiding professionally? Self-doubt is common among most people, and even more common among high-achieving professionals like attorneys and judges. Read full article.
Party down, rock and roll, snort some coke, lose some soul. 17, running wild, bullet proof, foolish child. Got the grades, got the girl, let’s give UNC a whirl. Read the full article.
“Window of tolerance (WOT)” is a concept that is extremely useful when teaching attorneys and judges stress reduction and emotional regulation tools. It helps conceptualize a zone in which we have the bandwidth to tolerate the stressors and emotions inherent in the legal field. It also helps us identify alternate zones into which we get...
What began as a quick Practice Perspective about the perils of having an attorney as a legal client evolved into a thoughtful reflection on this lawyer’s childhood trauma and resolution. Read the full article.
Are subconscious beliefs informing your decisions in the legal field? Read full article here.
This lawyer knew about LAP for years, but she hesitated to reach out because she thought she didn’t have “the bona fides.” She suspected her perfectionism and catastrophic thinking might be an issue, but those issues had been plaguing her since her childhood – long before she ever became a lawyer. Read the full article....
Grabbing an anchor is a simple yet effective tool to release us from our reactive survival strategies and return us to feeling and acting like our best selves. Read the full article.