Lawyer Traits and Legal Culture
Extreme stress, long hours, handling high stakes issues, Type-A personalities, unrelenting perfectionism, and “looking good at all costs” are unfortunately an accepted and intrinsic part of our professional legal culture. Asking for help runs counter to our legal training and instincts. Most lawyers enter the profession to help others and believe they themselves should not need help. Many lawyers view asking for help as a sign of weakness. As a result, lawyers often engage in a prolonged and silent struggle with alcohol or drug problems, anxiety and depression, among other issues. As many as one in four lawyers are affected – one in three for lawyers in the first ten years of practice. This means it is likely that you, an associate, a partner, or one of your best lawyer friends will encounter one of these issues.

Lawyers Helping Lawyers
The Lawyer Assistance Program was created by lawyers for lawyers to assure that free, confidential assistance is available for the lawyers of North Carolina. LAP can help you find the kind of therapy or treatment that works for you.
LAP has a network of lawyer volunteers throughout the state who have recovered from these very same issues and who assist lawyers who are just beginning their own journeys of recovery. These LAP volunteers attend lawyer peer discussion support groups that meet throughout the state. Many volunteers and clients report that peer support is one of the most important tools for a lawyer who is struggling with any issue. Just knowing you are not alone and that others have struggled with the same issue and emerged stronger on the other side can offer meaning and a renewed sense of hope as one begins the journey of recovery.

Concern for a Colleague
If you are concerned about the well-being of a colleague, you can also contact LAP to give an anonymous and confidential referral. We will never reveal your name to anyone unless you want us to as part of an intervention. Please see our confidentiality statement which assures your communication is treated as confidential.