Mental Health

Lawyer Anxiety

One of the leading mental health issues facing lawyers, including lawyers suffering from alcohol addiction or depression, is anxiety.  Anxiety can be a terrible emotional experience.  It is a feeling that something horrible is about to happen, that is not actually happening.  A mechanism in our body has been triggered to put us into a […]

Re-attachment via Detachment

It was good to hear that many of you enjoyed the article on time. (Campbell Law Observer, Vol.l9, No.7, September, 1998). Your comments suggested I should try to dig a little deeper into several questions. What is the psychological understanding of disjuncture felt by time experienced as going t0o fast? What similarities, if any, does […]

Relationship Intensity Syndrome

One of the great tragedies of alcoholism is the effect it has on so many others, particularly children.  Children growing up in an alcoholic family are apt to suffer from an alcohol induced relationship intensity syndrome.  Growing up in alcoholism, the child often develops an exaggerated need for emotional support in a primary relationship. The […]

Service, Character, and Recovery

In a healthy individual there are at least three stages one goes through in which service work is important to develop the personality. The first stage is the idealistic stage. It is important that young adults go through this stage. For the development of a healthy value system young people need to feel sufficiently strong […]

Sexual Addiction

“Getting involved sexually with a man at work was like picking up a drink for me. I descended into a fog. When I was sexually acting out, I was oblivious to how my behavior was affecting other people and me. It made me susceptible to all the negativity in the office. I threw away my […]

The Chemistry of Alcoholism and Other Addictions

Alcoholism is a brain disease. Brain research in the past several years has taught us much more than we have ever known before about the mechanics of how alcoholism affects us. At the same time, it has reaffirmed older wisdom about alcoholism that has too often been neglected. Seneca, the Roman poet, observed that some […]

The Price of Modernity and the Loss of Love

You have probably noticed the rash of recent biographies about the founding fathers.  Why do we have this thirst for insight into the lives of our heroic American forefathers?  We seem to long for a sense of greatness in ourselves and our leaders that seems missing in our complex modern lives. A forthcoming biography focusing […]

The Pursuit of Happiness

” . . . [H]appiness cannot be pursued; it must ensue as the unintended side-effect of one’s personal dedication to a course greater than oneself.” – Victor Frankel Thomas Jefferson’s phrase has long resonated in the minds of Americans.  But only recently has there been extensive research on what makes people happy.  For many years, […]

Trouble Sleeping

The lawyer explained, “just don’t have time to see my doctor.”  Or, the explanation of what he did not have time for could have been, go to support group meetings, see a therapist, play with my kids, or take my spouse out to dinner.  One of the great benefits and burdens of technology has been the […]

The Importance of Trust and Curiosity In Treatment

Turns out that one of the most important aspects to addressing any emotional, mental health or addiction problem is learning to be curious.  Over the years, numerous studies of the application of different psychological theories have failed to show any factor about a particular theory which made the application of that psychological theory better than […]

Violence in Your Hometown

I am writing this on a day when the front page of the newspaper is full of headlines about the killing of four students and a teacher in Jonesboro, Arkansas. A short article buried inside the local section recounts that a few miles from my home a Mr. Moore shot and killed his neighbor Mr. […]

Codependency or DSS, By Any Name It’s Treatable

A lawyer comes in to talk recently. He expresses that he is burned-out with the profession. It is hard to come into work: he hates returning calls. His relation with his spouse is poor and his child is acting out in school by skipping classes and smoking pot. All of these are signs of possible […]